Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Reason for Existence

There are times when ideas come crashing through your head and beg to be written down/typed out (with due apologies to Richard Bach). Unfortunately for me, these ideas tend to come to me at the most unfortunate of times. These so called inspirational moments come to me at times such as when I'm driving, when i'm being driven around, when i'm in class (or rather when I WAS in class) or when i'm sitting in the loo. As you can imagine, such are hardly the times when a person would fling out a paper and pencil and start furiously scribbling with the hope that one day these ideas will revolutionize our very existence.

Enter: Weblog; simplified for dummies as Blog.

A fabulous place for you to scribble those astounding/pathbreaking/simply dumb ideas. And that is the Reason D'Etre for this blog.

PS: Sadly it just doesn't solve that locational problem of those inspirations for me... Sigh.


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